Are You Ready to Move from Operative to Non-Operative Treatment of Dental Caries in Your Clinical Practice?

Dr. Liviu Steier has been practicing dentistry in Germany for over thirty-five years. He is a specialist in prosthodontics and in endodontics with a host of both research and practice experience spanning over thirty years in both the US and in Europe. Dr. Steier currently serves as an Associate Professor at the University of Pennsylvania – Dental School in the Department of Preventive and Restorative Sciences and holds visiting appointments at Saveetha Dental College and Federal University of Rio Grande del Sul.
Dr. Steier is an internationally recognized lecturer known for his hands-on teaching style, innovative spirit, and both his breadth and depth of knowledge. He has co-developed several breakthrough technologies in diagnosis, treatment guidance, and disinfection. His award-winning work and numerous publications have been distinguished by authorities in the field around the globe and he continues to make outstanding contributions in both practice and scholarship that have received widespread acclaim by clinicians and scientists across the world.
Disclosure: Dr. Steier receives royalties and holds intellectual property rights.
Course Description
The lecture will introduce and discuss different, scientifically proven diagnoses procedures, diseased tissue removal approaches, treatment modalities, and material choices in support of successful Minimal Intervention Cariology.
Educational Objectives
- To differentiate between conventional caries diagnosis and lesion activity in support of treatment and restorative material selection.
- Valuation of dentin disinfection to raise long-term treatment success.
- Decision-making for the selection of the most minimalistic protocol of diseased tissue removal.
- Benefits of new bioactive restorative dental materials to be beneficially used
For information, please contact Penn Dental Medicine Continuing Dental Education at: