Is There a Story Behind Your Smile? Smile Stories That Inspire Specialty Education

David R. Musich, DDS, MS, is a native Chicagoan. After completing his orthodontic residency at the Un. of Nebraska, he then spent the first five years of his specialty career as a full-time faculty member at the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine while Jim Ackerman was chairman. David and Slick Vanarsdall began their teaching career together at Penn in 1971.
While at Penn, David became Director of Graduate Orthodontics; Acting Chairman, Department of Orthodontics; and Orthodontic Consultant to the Craniofacial Anomalies/Cleft Palate Team at Children’s Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania.
David has also received the following awards:
Award of Merit – College of Diplomates, American Board of Orthodontists - 2006
Special Recognition Award – UPS for DownS (United Parent Support for Down Syndrome) – 2006
Angle East’s Harvey Peck Award of Excellence
AAO’s 2009 James Brophy Distinguished Service Award.
For 2017 AAO Annual Session in San Diego he served as the General Chairman.
Mershon Lecture—Selected for AAO’s 2021 Annual Session.
Raymond Thurow Honorary Lecture—Selected for CDABO’s 2022 Summer Meeting
David has been married to Anette for the past 40 years and has 3 amazing daughters—and 5 wonderful grandchildren. His pastimes include time with family, traveling, playing tennis and golf. He also loves giving back to our profession which has been such a big part of his life.
Disclosure: Dr. Musich royalty payments from Reliance Orthodontic Products from the sale of an orthodontic product that I had patented in 1999.
Course Description
Through patient treatment outcomes and patient stories, orthodontists will be reminded of why we are part of a unique specialty that requires sophisticated skills. The audience will see and hear patients’ stories supported by specialty research that make it clear why the heavily marketed “do it yourself orthodontics” is an appropriate approach to achieve optimal patient care.
Educational Objectives
Participants will be reminded of the patient stories within their own practice. In addition, they will be encouraged to continue their specialty education to allow integration of new technology and recent research to enhance the quality of their patient care.
For information, please contact Penn Dental Medicine Continuing Dental Education at: