Orthodontic Management of Anterior Open Bite

Normand Boucher, DDS is a board certified orthodontist and an active member of the Angle Society. He practiced as a family dentist for five years before seeking specialty training in orthodontics and periodontics at the University of Pennsylvania. The last twenty-nine years have been a rewarding balancing act between family life and his wife Lynda and daughters Anne-Marie and Patrice, the practice of orthodontics, teaching, volunteer work and a never-ending commitment to learning.
Dr. Boucher was appointed Chief of Orthodontics at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital from 1982-1987. He subsequently established a full-time private practice in Wayne and Westtown in 1987. His teaching responsibilities with the orthodontic department at the University of Pennsylvania reflect the values of his private practice and include teaching diagnosis and treatment planning for the Six Elements of Orofacial Harmony Orthodontics Philosophy. This approach to treatment emphasizes the health and stability of the bite while achieving optimal aesthetic outcomes.
Disclosure: Dr. Boucher has no relevant financial relationships to disclose.
Course Description
Presentation of five open bite cases with a description of the eteology, treatment strategies and mechano-therapy to treat the open bite.
Educational Objectives
Participants will recognize the open bite and learn treatment strategies to treat this type of malocclusion.