THINK TANK: Promising Practices in Global Oral Health Teaching and Learning

Dr. Brittany Seymour, is Associate Professor and Global Health Discipline Director at Harvard School of Dental Medicine. She holds a full time appointment in the Department of Oral Health Policy and Epidemiology and the Office of Global and Community Health. She earned her Doctor of Dental Surgery degree from the University of Colorado School of Dental Medicine in 2005 and completed her Master in Public Health from Harvard School of Public Health with a concentration in Global health and Population in 2011.
Dr. Tessa Waldhart graduated with a dental degree at Medical Unviersity in Vienna in 2018. After graduation, Dr. Waldhart went on to complete a Master of Business Administration in Barcelona. At that time, Tessa started to work at Humber Smile Foundation, where, as Creative and Communications Officer, she combines her entrepreneurial drive, passion for Global Oral Health and love for design. Tessa also runs her 4th generation family's dental clinic and finished recently a Master's Degree in Gerontology and Medically Compromised Patients.
Dr. Callum Durward graduated from the University of Otago in 1981. Later, he gained an MDSc in "Children's and Preventive Dentistry" from the University of Melbourne, and an MPH from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. In the 1980s, he spent several years working in refugee camps in Thailand and Malaysia. In the early 90s, he worked in Cambodia for an NGO, helping to develop dental services and education. During 2001-2003, Prof Durward spent 6 months in East Timor as an Oral Health Promotion Advisor for an AusAID project. He has also been a Senior Lecturer at the University of Otago and AUT University in NZ, Principal Dental Officer for the Otago District Health Board, and a Consultant Pediatric Dentist for the Auckland District Health Board. He has lived in Cambodia for the past 12 years where he was formerly Dean of the Faculty of Puthisastra for the past 7 years and is currently the Dean.
Prof Durward has been author or co-author of many papers and has co-authored two book chapters. He is active in dental education and research in the region, and is on committees of the Southeast Asian Association of Dental Education (SEAADE), and the Association of dental Education of Asia and the Pacific (ADEAP). He is also Dental Director of an NGO called One2One Cambodia which focuses on medical and dental projects for underserved groups, including prisoners, children with cleft lip and palate, and children with other disabilities.
Dr. Stephen Hsu Chin Ying is a Senior Consultant, Paedodontics, National University Centre for Oral Health, Singapore. He received his DDS (Taiwan), MS (Iowa, USA), Certificate in Pedo (Iowa, USA), Certificate in DPH (Iowa, USA), PhD (Iowa, USA). His special interests are in mechanisms of laser-induced caries detection, prevention and treatment, Caries risk assessment/prediction with biophycosocial markers, physiochemical characterization of tooth enamel.
Disclosure: The speakers have no relevant financial relationships to disclose.
Course Description
Dr. Seymour will describe the general background that led to development of the Global Health Starter Kit curriculum, an interdisciplinary online open access global health curriculum with an oral health focus. She will be joined by three panelists who will describe how they have been using the curriculum in their organizations, their challenges, and their successes with the toolkit.
Educational Objectives
- To acquaint the global oral health community with a competency based global health curriculum toolkit.
- To understand development of the curriculum materials for reliability and validity.
- To explore potential future applications of this toolkit in the post COVID environment.
This program is presented by