New Concept for Class III Treatment in 21 days
Dr. Jenny Chung is:
1) Chief Director to direct the preventive dental program for the district. Taipei City Health Bureau, Taipei, Taiwan.
2) Private General Dentist working in conjunction with an oral surgeon, Taipei, Taiwan.
3) Instructor and Clinic Associate, Orthodontic Department, University of Pennsylvania.
4) Private Practice, limited to orthodontics, San Gabriel, CA
5) Articles related to Class III treatment and improving the breathing pattern had been published in WJO and Japan Ortho Practice as head article of the journal.
6) Since the publication, Dr. Chung has been given opportunities to lecture on her Class III treatment both nationally and internationally. She has traveled to several universities within the United States as well as international universities, such as the University of Hebrews in Israel. She also traveled to Taiwan and Japan to give the universities and/or orthodontic societies my lecture fluently. Occasionally, she would also conduct hands-on workshops to show the attendees my step-to-step protocols.
7) Her text book was published in November of 2022 by Jih I Enterprise with the name as follow:
New Concept for Class III Treatment in 21 days:
The successes and Long Term Follow-ups on
Fast creation of Airway improvement and Class III
Treatment Using Hyrax RME and light force Chin-cup.
Disclosure: Dr. Chung has no relevant financial relationships to disclose.
Course Description
This presentation covers a new method of treating class III malocclusion by Hyrax RME with a light-force chin cup or combined with TADs and class III elastics to force mouth closure and alter breathing patterns from oral to nasal approach. Treatment through this method allows for the improvement of respiratory problems and a reduction in the size of hypertrophic tonsils with long-term follow-up.
Educational Objectives
- Mouth closure is the main issue to have my treatment succeed.
- Hyrax RME, not Haas to intrude upper first molars and enhance counterclockwise rotation of the mandible.
- The screw of RME has to be placed as close to upper first molars as possible to get more sagittal advance than lateral expansion.
- RME has to be placed 1mm away from palatal vault to avoid impinging into palatine on RME activation period.
- RME combined with light force chin cup or combined with TADs to force mouth closed. It will force the tongue to go backward and upward to encroach the palatine to advance the maxilla and nasal bone. It results in making more space for tongue to go upward.
- So wearing 21 hours per day for 21 days on RME activation period is the major factor to make the treatment succeed. Most Class III malocclusion can be corrected in 21 days if light force chin cup could be worn 21 hours per day for 21 days continuously.
- Please give a try to see how much benefits the midfacial deficient patients can get after 21 days RME treatment. (1) prevent progressive, irreversible soft-tissue or bony changes; (2) improve skeletal discrepancies and provide a more favorable environment for normal growth; (3) improve occlusal function; (4) enhance and possibly shorten phase II comprehensive treatment; (5) avoid anterior crowding and cuspids impaction; (6) provide more pleasing facial esthetics, thus improving the psychosocial development of the child; (7) improve the patient's respiration by changing their breathing pattern from an oral to a nasal approach; and (8) avoid unnecessary tonsillectomy.