AOHAB Think Tank | A Controversial Topic: The 6 Month Recall
Dr. John Featherstone
UCSF School of Dentistry, San Francisco, California USA
Dr. Peter Mossey
University of Dundee, Scotland, United Kingdom
Dr. Callum Durward
Dean, Faculty of Dentistry
University of Puthisastra, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Dr. Cherae Farmer-Dixon
Dean, Meharry School of Dentistry
Meharry Medical College, TN, USA
Dr. Regina Mutave
Past Dean, University of Kenya School of Dental Medicine, Nairobi, Kenya
Course Description
Explore the nuanced perspectives surrounding the controversial debate in the dental profession by tuning in to discussions led by influential global leaders. The discourse revolves around the merits and drawbacks of maintaining the traditional 6-month recall recommendation for patients with access to care.
Educational Objectives
- Gain an understanding of the arguments supporting the retention of the 6-month recall.
- Gain and understanding of the opposing viewpoint advocating for its elimination despite access to care.
- Shed light on the stark reality that a significant portion of the world's population lacks access to any considerations within this debate, emphasizing the broader implications of the ongoing discourse.