Penn Pediatrics Study Club: Resin Infiltration in Pediatric Dentistry

Professor Kavvadia received her Certificate in Pediatric Dentistry and Masters from the University of Connecticut, her PhD from the University of National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Greece, has received a Graduate Certificate in Health Professionals Education from the University of Louisville, KY, USA and is a Diplomate of the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry. She is currently Professor of Pediatric Dentistry and Dental School Academic Program Coordinator, at the European University Cyprus, as well as member of the International Association of Pediatric Dentistry science Committee.
With more than 28 years experience in Academics in all aspects of dental education, didactic, clinical/patient care and research mentoring (both MS and PhD students) she has graduated more than 80 residents worldwide. Previous positions held were tenured faculty and Graduate Program director of Pediatric Dentistry, University of Louisville, KY, Chair and Program director at the Department of Pediatric Dentistry, University of Athens Greece, Program director at the European University College, Dubai-UAE, and Chair of the Education Committee of the European Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. She has served as Editor of the Hellenic Pediatric Dental Journal and has received awards for her work in International Conferences. Her scholarly activity includes over 70 publications and chapters in textbooks. She is serving as reviewer of several International peer reviewed journals. She has lectured worldwide as an invited speaker and has participated in over 180 presentations in congresses and many continuous education courses. Her research interests are focused on minimal invasive dentistry and on professional development of dental faculty, through innovative engaging teaching strategies in dental education.
Disclosure: Dr. Lee has no relevant financial relationships to report.
Course Description
The aim of this presentation is to discuss the scientific evidence regarding the indications, step by step application technique and durability of Resin Infiltration through clinical cases.
Educational Objectives
- List the indications for using Resin Infiltration in Pediatric Dentistry
- Describe the steps of clinical application of Resin infiltration
- Justify and recommend appropriately the use of resin infiltration in clinical cases.