COP 29 Climate Conference

Dr. Julian Fisher, Director, Oral and Planetary Health Policies, Center for Integrative Global Oral Health, University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine,
Dr Teymur Musayev, Minister of Health, Ministry of Health of the Azerbaijan Republic
Session 1: Global Oral Health Leadership
Dr. Benoit Varenne, Dental Officer, Oral Health Programme Non-communicable Diseases, World Health Organization (WHO)
Dr. Rena Aliyeva, Azerbaijan Stomatological Association
Dr. D. Gregory Chadwick, President, FDI World Dental Federation
Dr. Christopher Fox, Chief Executive Officer, IADR
Dr. Mark S. Wolff, Morton Amsterdam Dean, University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine
Session 2: Dental Education for Sustainable Development
Dr. Faizan Alawi, Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine
Prof. Nicolas Martin, Professor of Restorative Dentistry & Hon. Consultant in Restorative
Dr. Yuka Makino, Technical Officer Oral Health, Noncommunicable Diseases Team, WHO Regional Office for Africa
Dr. Razia Adam, Deputy Dean Research, Associate Professor, Department of Prosthodontics; Faculty of Dentistry, University of the Western Cape
Session 3: Developing a New Generation of Global Oral Health Leaders
Julian Fisher, Director, Oral and Planetary Health Policies, Center for Integrative Global Oral Health, University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine
John Button, Student, University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine
Silvia Juliana Lopez, Colombia; Parnika S Kashyap, India; João Botelho, Portugal; Trish Matarutse, Zimbabwe
Session 4: Whole Person Oral Health
Dr. Michael Glick, Executive Director, Center for Integrative Global Oral Health, University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine
Session 5: Catalysing Innovation in Dental Practice through Integrated Sports Dental Medicine
Stavros Avgerinos,
Prof. Tassery Hervé, Professor in Restorative Dentistry, Marseille Dental School, France
Viktora Peine, Certified Sports Dentist (DGSZM) Dental Practitioner, Lindau, Germany
Valentina Gecha,
Session 6: Is the Current Model of Dentistry Sustainable?
Samantha Cheetham, International Dental Manufacturers
Dr. Maria Ryan, Vice President and Chief Clinical Officer, Colgate-Palmolive, USA
Christian Brutzer, President of Ivoclar Vivadent North America
Dr. Regiane Marton, ABIMO
Course Description
The event seeks to bring together diverse sectors and actors in oral health who are seeking to address the triple planetary crisis (IPCC interlinked issues that humanity currently faces: climate change, pollution and biodiversity loss - and sustainable development in a consistent, coherent and mutually reinforcing manner, one that contributes to safeguarding Earth-system boundaries.
Educational Objectives